
Our school program respects the regulations of the Ministry of Education, the didactic content follows the “Pyramide” concept of the Cito Institute of Germany and that of the University of Berlin with whom we constantly have permanent contract of practice and exchange of experience.

The team Kinderland , through the experience gathered in 18 years of activity, is a professional team, that guarantees the educational act.

The teachers are native German speakers (having University degrees in languages) and are all qualified, so teaching is done exclusively in German language. We do not focus on volume but on differentiated, individual learning. Our groups/classes are of small dimensions (max.10-12 children) so we are able to focus on each student, to follow their evolution and communicate it to their parents regularly.

We wish to discover and cultivate those aptitudes and inclinations of the child that makes him a special “mancub”.

The Primary School and kindergarten Kinderland is a German-language institution which means that the whole educational process / program is exclusively in German language. Teaching and learning this language is our target.

We work in an interior space of 500 qm,we have a yard of another 500 qm,with lawn,trees,inflatable pools for the summer and many accessories for playing,especially in our playground,our park offered to us by the Local Council and the Mayor’s Office.


Optionale - Cluburi

Scoala si grădiniţa noastră acordă o atenţie sporită motivaţiei intrinseci a copiilor şi, din acest motiv, o paleta larga de opţionale oferim, pentru ca fiecare copil să aibă posibilitatea de a participa la cluburile care îl atrag şi unde îşi poate dezvolta aptitudinile.

Temele abordate la cluburi – optionale sunt alese de la începutul fiecărui an şcolar şi acoperă o sferă largă de informaţii din diferite domenii: artă, comunicare, ştiinţă, sport, sănătate, muzică, dans,carate etc. Activităţile se organizează atât în clase cât şi în sala de sport sau in parcul de joaca. 

- Clubul de optional - Sport: Sportul influenţează pozitiv calităţile fizice şi psihice ale copiilor. Prin practicarea sportului, copiii îşi întăresc sau dezvoltă curajul, puterea voinţei, puterea fizică şi viteza.

- Clubul de optional Karate îi învaţă pe copii să coopereze, să se apere şi să răspundă cu promptitudine unor evenimente nedorite ….sa stie sa se apere daca e nevoie.. Copiii dobândesc disciplină, respect, control asupra propriilor stări şi mândrie pentru propriile reuşite.

- Clubul de de optional Muzică îi ajută pe copii să-şi exprime mai bine sentimentele şi emoţiile, cântând la instrumente muzicale şi exersând notele muzicale.Acest optional presupune exersarea limbii germane si engleze prin intermediul cântecelor. Atracţia o reprezintă instrumentele muzicale colorate şi ritmul jucăuş al cântecelor special concepute pentru acest club acompaniate de instrumente de percutie.

- Clubul de optional Artă, pe lângă dezvoltarea creativităţii şi a exprimării artistice, le consolidează copiilor valorile morale şi chiar cunoştinţele matematice.

- Clubul de optional Dans: exersând mişcări sportive în grup, pe muzică, copiii devin mai sensibili faţă de muzică, ritm şi timpi de mişcare.
- Clubul de optional Limbi Străine le oferă copiilor bucuria de a comunica în limbi străine precum Engleză, Germană, alte limbi cerute de parinti..
- Clubul de optional Şah îi învaţă pe copii să gândească analitic şi sintetic, îi obişnuieşte cu procesul de luare a deciziilor, abilităţi pe care copiii apoi le pot transfera în viaţa reală.
- Clubul de optional Pian ajută la păstrarea și dezvoltarea abilităților creative naturale ale copii.
- Clubul de optional de informatica ajuta la formarea si dezvoltarea noilor generatii de specialisti in domeniul IT.

Download the school schedule and the student regulation

The building is new and ready to function.
It has seven classrooms, a kitchen, four bathrooms, a dining-room, a cellar, a pantry ,a methodic-room, a gym , a multifunctional room for chess,music etc. lessons, shows, a front-yard, a back-yard, a park with playground.

The Manager’s Foreword

You may possibly ask again – why Kinderland – the school? Because all the knowledge our little ones have acquired in 4 years of nursery and preschool should not be lost, it should grow. Do you believe it was the only and most important reason to found the School? Of course, but it was also the fact that the tragedy that hit me, made me stronger…after having overcome this situation.

I was forced to eat my pain carrying on with A DREAM (the project Kinderland).I said to myself: If my health and my age will not let me continue some day… these children will be my comfort who in these 4-5 years grow from preschool to elementary school to speak and write German correctly having learnt the basic grammar. These kids will have a different future, another perspective as a future young adult.

The initial project “The Kindergarten Kinderland – an open window to the future” has arrived to a new phase, climbing a new step with difficulties and obstacles, but this step is important in forming the future PERSON . This is the reason why I founded this school wishing that it remains for the children of this town. Its value will show the passion of its teachers who work here in order to form a young person who will find open doors in all languages: German, English (even Hungarian is important – 90 % of our students speak 4 languages ).

You are welcome! Give your child a chance to step out in the life that is better than yours! The best investment one can do in your life is the INVESTMENT IN ONE’S CHILD!



The Primary School and kindergarten Kinderland is a German-language institution which means that the whole educational process / program is exclusively in German language.

Aron Densușianu, Nr. 42, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania facebook clip art 815805

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